Sunday, November 20, 2011



A “weed” only exists

in the human mind --not

God’s or Natures’s.

What is in your life

you think you don’t want?

You have called forth every

Thing, as Source.

Perhaps you’ve forgotten… but

that weed (or plague of locusts) is here because you,

in some bigger realm of your consciousness,

You called it into Being.

Precisely: so that your Perfect Gardener

with her planting schedule, carefully-saved seeds,

gardening gloves, spade, hoe and pruners…

Could dissolve into perfect

Union with her most ardently-resisted foe.

You called the weeds, and the locusts

the ex-husbands and ungrateful children

the alcoholic father and the cancer…

You called them, and named them,

so that in Sweet Embrace,

the Perfect Gardener could be lost

to Eden’s grace.

Ainslie Kincross 2011