Infrastructure Noun: The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. (Google definition)
The infrastructure supplying power, water and other supplies to residents of Alabama and adjacent states has been severely disrupted by the tornadoes which swept through the area Wednesday. Power lines are down, 3 nuclear plants are shut down, and natural gas service has been shut off until leaks can be repaired in parts of Tuscaloosa.* Several major manufacturers have suspended operations. Reconstruction will take time and cost millions of dollars the US does not have (trillion dollar deficit).
Similar scenarios are playing out in elsewhere in the world: Texas (fires), Japan (earthquake, tsunami),Christchurch NZ (earthquake), Queensland (flooding)....and of course Haiti, still struggling to rebuild. Missouri residents and municipal officials are preparing for record flooding along the Mississippi.
President Obama, touring the area today, stated "Politics, differences of religion or race, all that fades away when we are confronted with the awesome power of nature and we are reminded that all we have is each other."
Reginald Eppes, in the hospital for a collapsed lung and broken ribs, and whose 8 year old son was sucked away by the tornado but later returned unhurt, said in an NPR interview yesterday, said "I lost all my material stuff -- all that's gone. But I feel kids and my wife (are) still here..." and he really did sound great!
Perhaps we are in the midst of creating a new infrastructure 'for the operation of our society'; one that is not of the material world, made of concrete, wire cable, and pipes, but one that can only be seen in the evidence of our actions toward one another, constructed out of love and compassion.